Thursday, January 12, 2017

Things I Love; Ringette

What is a blog for, if not for sharing the things I love with the world?! For my first "Things I love Thursday" I'm going to share a little about my favourite sport.

I've played ringette since I was six years old. (I'm 34 now, I'll let you do the math on that one.) Ringette was invented in Canada in the 1960s as an alternative to hockey because at that time girls weren't really playing a lot of hockey. It's played on ice, wearing a lot of the some gear. It's also something I can't imagine not doing.

Growing up my dad helped coach and my mom managed my teams. For a number of years my mom was president of my local association, and even president of the league. Though she never played herself my mom was always a huge advocate of the sport.

I currently play in a ladies league. We have one game a week, alternating home games and away games. I've played with the majority of the ladies on my team for years, one I've actually played with off and on since I was a kid.

Because I don't think I would ever fully give it the justice it deserves explaining it myself, I've found a couple videos to share. They're a few years old but definitely worth the watch.

The National Ringette League currently has 16 teams all across Canada. I highly recommend getting to a game. You'll be amazed at how fast the game really is!

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