Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Weight Loss Wednesday; Week 4 recap

I got a huge surprise when I weighed in this week - I was down 3.4 pounds. My four-week total is 10.8 pounds lost. To say that I was excited was a bit of an understatement.

The only problem is, I don't feel like I lost 10 pounds in the past month. I didn't take any pictures when I first started. (I was too embarrassed.) So now I don't have anything to look at and compare myself to now. I also didn't take measurements. Today is officially my one month anniversary with Weight Watchers so I decided to take some pictures today. I took them from three different angles and then put a reminder in my phone to do the same thing a month from today. My husband also offered to help me do some measurements tonight so I'll have that too.

I did also get a really nice message from my sister-in-law. I had mentioned not seeing a real difference and she sent me two selfies of myself side-by-side. Slightly different angles, but it did show me that changes are happening, and I just need to stick with it.

Are you on a weight loss journey? Do you take progress pictures? Do you find them motivating?


  1. Yay! That is awesome! I don't find pictures all that motivating so I don't normally take them. I just go by how I feel and how my clothes are fitting. I will sometimes compare selfies but that is about it.

  2. Wow I definitely think you look so different! That is awesome that you are having success!

  3. Bravo!! Ten pounds is a huge accomplishment and a pretty darn reasonable rate of weight loss - especially because you seem to be actually making it a lifestyle and actually living life as you are doing it! The trick now is not to think that you've got some "buffer" and can backslide!

    I've done progress photos - I like having a record of the end result but don't particularly care for the progress along the way shots - rather than finding them motivating I can get down on myself about the starting point!
