Saturday, January 28, 2017

Happy Caturday! "Sydney" Facts

 Happy Caturday!

I tend to talk a lot about our beagle, Daisy, but Sydney was our first baby. To introduce Sydney, here are ten facts about her.

1) We adopted Sydney from the SPCA about a month after we got married. We always joke that Sydney picked us. The day we went in to check out the kittens Jonathan was holding her in his arms when she started chewing on the buttons of his shirt.

2) Her name at the SPCA was Jessie, but we changed her name to Sydney. She's named after Sydney, Cape Breton. (We spent our honeymoon in Cape Breton.)

3) Like most cats, Sydney loves boxes. "If I fits, I sits" is very much her personal motto.

4) Sydney loves chasing the little red dot, laser pointers are her favourite. When she was a kitten she'd tear around the apartment so much that she'd start purring and wheezing at the same time.

5) Sydney very much rules the roost in our place, if she's sitting in a door way or in front of it Daisy won't go past her. There are nights that we'll be in bed, calling Daisy to join us, but she won't because Sydney is sitting in the middle of our bedroom. I think that's why this Youtube video cracks me up so much:

6) Sydney's not much of a fan of "people" food. Tuna, chicken, cheese... She turns her nose up at all of them. But sit down with a bowl of ice cream? You instantly have company!

7) Sydney will cry and cry to get outside, especially if we're sitting outside on the patio. But once she gets outside she's too nervous to actually move.

8) We bought a bed for Daisy when we adopted her, but she never really used it. Sydney on the other hand loves the dog bed!

9) Sydney will sleep in her cat carrier, but she hates the car. She will cry the entire time she's in the car in her carrier. (It actually breaks my heart, she sounds so pitiful!)

10) She's the cutest cat ever. I know, this may be a fact that some people may argue me on. But really, just look at the evidence...

 Happy Caturday! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Weight Loss Wednesday; Down again!

How is it Wednesday already? Seriously though, I feel like it was just Wednesday. I expected the last week to creep by. It was my weekend to work (which means a 1pm to 10pm Saturday and a 1pm to 10pm Sunday) and I always find those weeks to drag on and on and on. This one didn't, which is extra crazy because I was super under the weather Sunday, Monday and most of yesterday.

Weight loss wise it was another good week, when I did my official weigh-in Sunday morning I was down 2.4 pounds, which brings my two-week total to 8.4 pounds. (Woohoo.)

I've been struggling a bit though, with not feeling well the past couple of days all I've wanted to eat is junk and I haven't been getting my steps in because I didn't want to move unless I absolutely had to. And now that I'm feeling better (and actually keeping my food in) all I want to do is eat. (There's a pattern there, I know.)

My goal for the rest of the week is to make sure I get my steps in, and maybe even get in a short workout or two. I'm going out Friday night with a couple co-workers, and then we have a family dinner Saturday night. I know that I'm going to make some food (and drink...) choices that aren't the best, but I'm hoping if I get some movement in it will help balance out the effects.

And the truth is, whatever changes I'm making on my way to a healthier me need to be changes that are going to last. If I skip out on social events or beat myself up about them I'm just going to revert back to the way I've always been. I'll be mindful of what I'm eating and drinking, but I'm not going to stress out about it. There's no rush to the finish line, I'm not racing anyone.

I think that's what's different this time. I think I'm finally in the right mindset to make lasting changes. I got this.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Things I love: Project Life

Many many many years ago I was all about scrapbooking. Okay, it probably was only five or so  years ago, but it feels like a long time. Eventually I found it was a hobby that took up too much time, too much money, and too much space. (The storage of supplies, not the albums themselves.) I also wasn't taking as many pictures, I wasn't happy with the way I looked in pictures so I stopped documenting my life that way. (This is something I'm working on!)

Somewhat recently I discovered pocket scrapbooking, more specifically Project Life by Becky Higgins. It is so easy to complete pages this way. I don't do Project Life in the traditional one-page per week style (yet) that many people choose to do, but I am using it to document the big and not-so-big events in our lives.

The pocket pages come in a range of designs, and there are dozens of core kits or smaller card sets you can purchase to use as accents. I personally use a combination of the official Project Life cards and patterned card stock or scrapbook paper. I've also used some scrapbooking stickers and embellishments on my pages. Now that I have a Cricut I'm really excited to see what I can do.

Here are a few of the pages from my 2016 album:
I know, the pictures are terrible! I just took them quickly with my phone. 

Do you do any scrapbooking? Have you tried Project Life or pocket scrapbooking?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weight Loss Wednesday: One week in

I had a fantastic first week back on Weight Watchers. I made better choices, I tracked every bite I ate, I crushed my water goal, and met my step goal almost every day. I also gave up pop and energy drinks too (even zero calorie ones), and I stuck with it.  My hard work showed on the scale - in one week I lost six pounds! And - just as good as the number changing on the scale - was the fact that I already feel a difference in my energy level.

My constant exhaustion was one of my biggest motivators. My husband is a bit of a night owl, so me going to bed at 8 or 9 and him staying up until 10 and 11 was a bit of an issue. We felt like we weren't getting to spend any time together in the evenings. There are still going to be evenings here and there that I'm going to want to head to bed early, but I love the idea of more quality time with Jonathan.

Week two is off to a slightly rocky start. Monday night we had a belated Christmas dinner at my in-laws. I ate less than I would have a month prior, but probably still ate a bit more than I should have. I don't ever want to feel like I'm depriving myself though, I know the minute I feel that way my motivation will tank and I will self-destruct.

I'm also a stress eater, so today has been a bit of a challenge. Last night when we got home from visiting my brother-in-law and his wife our dog was acting a bit strange. We ended up heading in to the Metro Animal Emergency Clinic to make sure nothing was seriously wrong. She had x-rays done, but they didn't show anything. We got home around midnight with some pain medication and instructions to contact our vet if things weren't better in the morning. Things weren't better this morning, so I called our vet and ended up spending a good chunk of the morning there. That meant I didn't eat breakfast, and was starving when I got home. All I can say is that it's a good thing I won't use drive-thrus, instead of stopping for fast food I came home and ate a ham sandwich on Weight Watchers bread. I ate a handful of chips, but I tracked everything and I still have more than enough points left over for supper.

Hopefully the rest of week two goes well. I'm hoping to work some exercise in to my routine, as well as keep focused on making changes I can live with long-term.

Are you a stress eater? How do you try and manage it?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Book Review: Turbo Twenty-Three

(#23 in the Stephanie Plum series)

Good Reads Synopsis:
Larry Virgil skipped out on his latest court date after he was arrested for hijacking an eighteen-wheeler full of premium bourbon. Fortunately for bounty hunter Stephanie Plum, Larry is just stupid enough to attempt almost the exact same crime again. Only this time he flees the scene, leaving behind a freezer truck loaded with Bogart ice cream and a dead body—frozen solid and covered in chocolate and chopped pecans.

As fate would have it, Stephanie’s mentor and occasional employer, Ranger, needs her to go undercover at the Bogart factory to find out who’s putting their employees on ice and sabotaging the business. It’s going to be hard for Stephanie to keep her hands off all that ice cream, and even harder for her to keep her hands off Ranger. It’s also going to be hard to explain to Trenton’s hottest cop, Joe Morelli, why she is spending late nights with Ranger, late nights with Lula and Randy Briggs—who are naked and afraid—and late nights keeping tabs on Grandma Mazur and her new fella. Stephanie Plum has a lot on her plate, but for a girl who claims to have “virtually no marketable skills,” these are the kinds of sweet assignments she does best.

My Thoughts:
I love this series, I've loved it from the very first book. (One for the Money) After more than 20 books, you would think that maybe I'd be getting tired of the series but I'm definitely not. These books aren't particularly deep (no offense Ms. Evanovich!) but they are well-written and a lot of fun. The characters (especially Stephanie and Lula) are what bring me back to the series over and over. Stephanie's relationships with her family, co-workers, and the men in her life are very entertaining and the main plot, while definitely a bit goofy (a murder victim frozen solid, dipped in chocolate and covered in pecans...), still kept me interested. I may or may not have finished this book in one day. ;-)

Final Verdict:
Looking for a fun, easy read? Look no further! In fact, I recommend starting from the beginning of the series. I don't think you'll be disappointed. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

January & February Goals

I thought long and hard about resolutions this year. I went back and forth trying to decide if I was going to pick a word for this year like so many of you do. Eventually I decided the best idea for me was smaller, monthly goals. I'm not gonna lie, I have a very short attention span. And short term goals have always seemed to work best in my life. I expect big things from 2017, but I'm going to accomplish them one small goal at a time.

Since January is half over, I figured it would be silly to make goals just for this month. So I decided to combine my goals for January and February.

Personal Goals
1) Hit my step target goal 5/7 days a week.
2) Pack my lunch 3/5 days a week. 
3) Have at least one date night with Jonathan (and leave my phone at home)
4) Try five new *healthy* recipes.
5) Read one book. 

Blog Goals
1) Blog (at least) two times a week.
2) Get one new follower on Bloglovin.

Do you set resolutions at the beginning of the year or monthly goals? Or both? What helps you stick with them?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Things I Love; Ringette

What is a blog for, if not for sharing the things I love with the world?! For my first "Things I love Thursday" I'm going to share a little about my favourite sport.

I've played ringette since I was six years old. (I'm 34 now, I'll let you do the math on that one.) Ringette was invented in Canada in the 1960s as an alternative to hockey because at that time girls weren't really playing a lot of hockey. It's played on ice, wearing a lot of the some gear. It's also something I can't imagine not doing.

Growing up my dad helped coach and my mom managed my teams. For a number of years my mom was president of my local association, and even president of the league. Though she never played herself my mom was always a huge advocate of the sport.

I currently play in a ladies league. We have one game a week, alternating home games and away games. I've played with the majority of the ladies on my team for years, one I've actually played with off and on since I was a kid.

Because I don't think I would ever fully give it the justice it deserves explaining it myself, I've found a couple videos to share. They're a few years old but definitely worth the watch.

The National Ringette League currently has 16 teams all across Canada. I highly recommend getting to a game. You'll be amazed at how fast the game really is!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Weightloss Wednesday: The beginning

On January 8th I signed up for Weight Watchers.

Not for the first time, but hopefully for the last time.

I am 5'0 and weight 192 pounds. I don't even like typing it.

My weight has fluctuated a lot over the years, as have my thoughts about it. I alternate between embracing my "plus sized-ness" and being disgusted with myself. (And pretty much everything in between.)

I think what's different this time is that I'm thinking more than just about how I'm going to look if I lose the weight I want to, I'm also focused on how I'm going to feel. We are approved adoptive parents and could get a call any day that we've been matched, When our kids come home I want to be able to go on hikes and chase them around the yard without getting winded. I'm going to need to have the energy to stay up past 9:30pm on work nights.

I think the other thing that's different this time is that I'm thinking long term. I want the changes I'm making to my eating habits and daily routine to be things I can live with for the rest of my life. And things my husband can live with! Jonathan is very supportive, but I don't want him feeling like he has to give up things because of me.

Today is day 3, and I've had two good days so far. Wednesday is my day off, so I feel like it's going be my most challenging day. There's no one here to judge (err, keep me accountable) like there is when I'm at work. And I tend to shop and run errands on Wednesdays, which makes it so easy to stop for fast food. I'm hoping that posting about my weight loss adventure here every Wednesday is going to help keep me on track.

So far today I'm off to a good start - I had a good breakfast (chocolate Shakeology with half a banana, almond milk, and a handful of spinach), finished 500ml of water, and took Daisy (our beagle) on an extra long walk. I've got to run to the grocery store soon and then maybe I'll even get on the treadmill.

Are you currently working towards a new you? Have you made some big (or little) changes on a journey to a healthier you? I'd love to hear about it!

Sim's Life

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year, New Me... New Blog?


I'm Sara, a 34 year old fur momma from Canada's beautiful east coast. I'm married to a fantastic guy named Jonathan and we are currently on an adoption journey. I'm an avid reader, scrapbooker, and I'm addicted to Pinterest.

This is far from my first go at blogging, back in the day I did some very rudimentary HTML and graphic design and hosted blogs on my own domains. (My first and favourite was One of my favourite things about blogging was always meeting new people - making friends - but I also love to write. I'm a bit of a chatter box, and I think blogging makes a great outlet.

I know that blogging has evolved a lot over the years, and I've attempted "come backs" before. Jonathan gave me my own laptop for Christmas, and I'm cautiously optimistic that will help. Still not 100% sure what this space will hold, I guess we're all going to find out at the same time!

Thanks for stopping by!


PS: Feel free to follow my blog with Bloglovin